Chapter 2

"Yuji-kun?" I mumbled as soon as I saw his familiar face. I don't even know who is that man that I called. I-I just saw him in my dream and it is very likely to be a very important person.
"You are wrong Hime-sama." The samurai chuckled as he stood straight before me. "It is No-zo-mu. My first name is Nozomu."


He really looked like the man in my dream and it seems that he has the same body built if you will imagine him under his haori. A sudden flash appeared inside my brain, the man inside my dream is not wearing a haori nor a kosori but a white kind of clothing.

"Hime-sama?" the samurai called my attention as he held the sheath of his katana to support it while walking. "Your scheduled tea lesson will begin in a short while, shall we go now?"

2 hours of tea lesson seemed so long for me. My mind is full of things that I saw in my dream. Why is it too different with the things that we have in this world? Is this a premonition? Why do I feel that I really know that woman named Rina in my dream?

Together with the samurai, I met Mei-chan, my personal attendant, at the hallway as soon as the lesson was finished.

"Hime-sama, your teacher told me that you need to rest for today since you cannot concentrate from the lesson earlier." She said wearing a worried face. "I can cancel everything on your schedule for today if you want."

I guess too much thinking about that stuff affected my lessons today. I nodded at Meichan as a response and the latter left me.

"Rin-chan." The samurai called me. I looked at him.
"Aren't you being too familiar calling me without the respective honorific Osamurai-san?" I retorted. I started walking briskly away from him dragging my heavy pink kimono that is touching the wood flooring.

"You won't be attending your next lessons so my job was done for today." He replied as he followed me, walking in a same pace as mine. "I am no longer your samurai right now, so I am an acquiantance."

I looked at him with my furrowed eyebrows and judging stare.

"Ah! And my name is not samurai-san. I might be a samurai of Hosokawa clan but I have a name. Nozomu. No-zo-mu!"
"Then Nozomu-san, you are done for today you can go home. Thank you."

I wanted to think more about it. I wanted to know what were my dreams were about so I wanted for this annoying man go away for now. I walked away once again but he stopped me by standing on my way.

"Then we have free time!" He exclaimed.
"Huh? Aren't you too annoying for a samurai?"
"Let's walk around outside of this cramped palace of yours!"
"It's Nozomu."
"Then, N-Nozomu-san..."
"Yes, Rin-chan?"

Woah woah. Hold it right there. Can't this man understand that I am the daughter of the next Shogun? Well, adopted daughter. I know that the Hosokawa clan is a loyal samurai of our clan but he's being too familiar.

"I am the daughter of the next shogun, I can't be outside. It might be dangerous." I calmly informed him looking him straight to his eyes.
"Well, I am here. You can have me again to  guard you outside." He replied without even removing the smile on his face.

I never been outside since I got these lessons everyday so this might be a chance to unwind myself; that is what I am thinking so I decided to just go along with his ideas. Since he's a good samurai from a known clan, he can be a help if danger comes to my way.

"Alright. Please guide me Nozomu-san."

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