Title: Initial D
Genre: Action, Seinen,Sports
Written By: Shuichi Shigeno
Synopsis: Set in the late 1990s in Japan's Gunma Prefecture, the series follows the adventures of Takumi Fujiwara, an eighteen year old who helps his father run a tofu store by making deliveries every morning to a hotel on Akina with his father's Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX (AE86). It is revealed that Takumi has been driving on Mt. Akina every morning to deliver Tofu to the summit five years before he even had his license. As a result his skills in mountain racing were honed, and is able to drive under adverse weather conditions. vSet in the late 1990s in Japan's Gunma Prefecture, the series follows the adventures of Takumi Fujiwara, an eighteen year old who helps his father run a tofu store by making deliveries every morning to a hotel on Akina with his father's Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX (AE86). It is revealed that Takumi has been driving on Mt. Akina every morning to deliver Tofu to the summit five years before he even had his license. As a result his skills in mountain racing were honed, and is able to drive under adverse weather conditions. (https://initiald.fandom.com/wiki/Initial_D)
For me, this is the first anime that I watched that includes racing and believe it or not I am so overwhelmed with this anime the first time I watched this around like 10 years ago. I was still in high school.
I must conclude this, Initial D is one of the coolest sports anime ever existed.
The story plot is good but what really gave me a wow in this anime is how the settings and the cars are very realistic. I am not talking about the animation or the art here and I am not a fan of race cars but the production or just the mangaka, he is using every knowledge that he knew about race cars and "stages"
After watching this series, I watched some blogs about Initial D and they indicated and showed how initial D used the real race tracks with the mountain passes in Japan. Imagine that the production need every information about each of the mountain passes that will be shown in the anime. Not to mention the information about the race cars, the abilities and such. I am really overwhelmed with this artwork. I am glad I decided to rewatch this.
But with these compliments that I am giving to this anime, one thing is a negative for me and that is the love stories of the characters. I guess this is just the fillers to these matches or maybe fan service but I think it just ruined the cool image of the characters or the anime. Other than that, everything is perfect. Even the character lines, nothing seemed very boring for me.
Animation: 10/10
I clearly remember the time I was watching this when I wasnin high school. I remembered how I was amazed with 3D animations for this anime. As far as I can remember that this anime started airing around 1997-1998 and due to being old in the anime fandom, I appreciate old animations like this one, Magic Night Rayearth, Slamdunk and etc. cause kind of animation requires a lot of efforts with the details of the animation.
Soundtrack: 11/10
This anime has 7 albums I guess and I have 5 of it in my playlist! The eurobeat background music makes every match cool and in tension. I really like it because it's making me hype. I am sure not just me but most of the viewers.
The music has the feels of 90s beats so it really fun listening to it. If you know the song "Deja Vu" that was used in memes, I tell you it's an OST of Initial D.
Overall: 10/10
A recommended one especially my guys! Come on watch it right now!
You might be asking what does "D" means in Initial D. You can search from google but believe me, it's not worth searching. It is better to know the mwaning of it once you finished the whole series. This series hase 6 seasons and a movie. It maybe a long road but surely this anime is fun to watch.
Look at this cute Takumi <3
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