Midnight Cinderella: Rayvis Harneit Honey Route Review

Developer: CYBIRD
Story Plot: At night you were trying to sneak from the palace the day you were pointed as the new princess of Wysteria when you met an information dealer who was present in the event. 


I've been playing MidCin for almost three years (My first account was actually irretrievable so I made another one that I was using for 2 years) and his route is the most normal one. Why did I say normal? Because this is the only route that made it to the normal wedding of a princess and became the new royal leaders of Wysteria. Other route were all run away princess and lived happily ever after. Bow. 

In this route you have to be a dreamer and set your goals up ahead because Rayvis is like that. He dream, oh not dream he ought to be a good leader of this country. Support him with all his might okay??

Rating: 9/10

It is a good breather for this route. Path towards a real princess and a future Queen. 

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