Midnight Cinderella: Sid (Llyod Grandier) Sugar Ending

Developer: CYBIRD
Story Plot: At night you were trying to sneak from the palace the day you were pointed as the new princess of Wysteria when you met an information dealer who was present in the event. 


I don't know how to start this to be honest.

I find Sid as a creep. I don't know, maybe he's not my type of man, being so mysterious and stuff. I actually chose this route thinking that I will have a some fights with him, but no. He is always around the place in which is not really appropriate. He acts like a stalker, and popping out every time MC is having some emotional moments. 

One thing is, I find his character as a sweet guy not appropriate on how he was introduced in the prologue. I would prefer if he's still a bad guy loving a princess. He would do some bad things while having a relationship with MC. 

Rating: 8/10

Hoping the Honey Ending a good one.

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