Thursday, April 5, 2018

Parfait Tic! Manga Review

Good thing I am in the mood to create another blog after creating color coded lyrics for the previous post. This is my first manga review. Douzo ~

Title: Parfait Tic!
Written by: Nagamu Nanaji
Genre: Shoujo, Romantic Comedy
Active years: 2000 - 2007

Synopsis: Fuuko is a normal girl who is living in an apartment then one day two handsome guys Ichi and Daiya came to live in the same building. Fuuko will be their best friend and then love story will begin.

Thoughts: This manga is your typical manga that you read. If you always read shoujo types of manga, this is not different from the others. The girl protagonist Fuuko, is an energetic girl and often called "unique" by the guys in the story. And there will be two guys fighting over her. TWO HANDSOME GUYS. Your typical Shoujo manga. (nod nod). Even the set up of the story or the origin of the story is always been used in every romantic manga.

The thing about this manga, I really got frustrated with the flow of the story. It was given that she needs to choose only one from the two boys fighting over her, but in this manga it looks like the girl is going to a guy who likes her and then if there will be a problem, she will quit loving that guy and transfer her feelings to the other available guy. In my point of view, that is actually okay but it happened for about four times? or three? It's like the protagonist don't really know who does she love.

I am a fan of the second guy in a shoujo manga. Second guy for me is the character that the girl doesn't love. More like the second guy has the unrequited love. I got really frustrated because I don't even know who should I cheer on. LOL (I am sure you don't understand what I meant there but that is the real reason why I got frustrated) While I was reading this manga, I will randomly shout "GIRL JUST CHOOSE! ICHI OR DAIYA". But that's a good thing, I was indulged in the story which is one of the good points of a story.

Art: 10/10

This is 00's manga so this kind of art is the thing before. It was clean and the scenes are easy to understand. Ichi looks like someone from "Hana yori Dango" or "Hana Kimi". Fuuko looks like from "Lovely Complex".

Overall: 8/10
It's a good read for shoujo manga fans. Definitely. One thing, just one thing that I got disappointed, and I think this is an important point in a manga. The ending. In every romantic manga, it's always in the story who should be the "winner" in the battle of love. But in this story, I spent two sleepless nights to know what would be the ending like or who won the fight. But no one won in the end. NO ONE!! I wasted those hours reading this manga for that. Yes, friendship is a good thing, but BUUUUT after all the efforts of the two guys, after all the problems, there should be one who got the love of Fuuko. That is why I got disappoint in this manga.


  1. Just so you know, she did pick a guy. SHE PICKED DAIYA! It was clear in the last remaining chapters that she would be ending up with Daiya. In the last (2nd to the last?) Chapter, she finally told Daiya she likes him and they even kissed. Even after two years, she still loved Daiya (she was wearing the bracelet) and waited for him. Meanwhile, in the last chapter even featuring Ichi's sister, Daiya and Fuuko were seen together and they even discussed about Fuuka's soon to be opened salon in China. (While Ichi was single)

    1. Is there a confirmation that they ended up being together? I dunno, it might be because I was disappointed and that's I didn't grasp the ending?

    2. Https:// Here is the link of fuuko and daiya wedding, it's written by the same author but different manga

  2. Really?i just started watching this drama and curious how the ending.i dont like sad ending or no one choosen ☹️

  3. Anyone know where i can read this manga?thankyou...

    1. I am using an app "Manga Master" with a red icon. Try there ~
