Friday, August 30, 2019

Weathering with You Movie Review


Title: Tenki no Ko (Weathering with You)
GenreRomance, Fantasy
Synopsis: Weathering with you is the story of a runaway teenage boy Hodoka and the “sunshine girl” Hina who were living in the world that rarely see a sunny day. They started to do a job as the sunshine girl who is giving sunlight in a certain place in a limited time without knowing that using Hina’s powers will make her closer as the “Weathering Maiden”.   read more >>>

Grave of the Fireflies Movie Review

Title: Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies)
Genre: Drama
Synopsis: The film started with Seita, a young boy who is dying in starvation inside a train station stating the fact he had died that night. The ghost of the two young children was seen trying to bring back their memories. The memories of the two brothers who were trying to survive with their lives while in the greatest and most chaotic war in Japan. read more >>>

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Chapter 4 is here!

I am finally back and I am now in the process of updating my blog!
I finally finished the Naruto Series and also the anime Grand Blue so please look forward for the following anime reviews!
I started the Boruto this week and gladly speaking that I am almost episode 50.
For now I am trying to think of what topic I should talk about for my video blogs. It's been a year since my last video. :'( I hope I can think of anything good soon.

Alright I talked too much, so here's the Chapter 4!

To check all of the Chapters, click here.